This is the story of my year abroad in Salzburg, Austria, created for all those I love--my closest friends and even closer family.


Work Study and Apple Strudel

I am participating in the work study program while I'm here in Salzburg since I only have a student visa and a work visa is required if I worked anywhere else. There was 7 different job positions you could have here and us 9 student workers had to make a list of our top 3 choices. My first choice was to work with Frau Strobl, the cook, because she only speaks German so I would be forced to practice German ha. However, a lot of people, including my director, say she can be pretty mean and rude sometimes. I have to work with her for the first time today so I'm hoping that this is not true! When I met her this morning she seemed really nice and sweet, so we will see.

Last night we had a dinner with all the faculty from the UP center. In the  beginning, I was kind of dreading it, but it turned out to be a really interesting evening. At my table was the metaphysics teacher, Herr Zecha, and the theology teachers, Herr and Frau Aussmair (they're married). Herr Zecha and Sam (a very knowledgeable girl in my program) had some really interesting conversations about the differences between American and Austrian culture, including politics, that was super interesting to listen too. Herr Zecha also answered a lot of our questions about Austrian culture. Oh and I had my first Austrian apple strudel--very delicious. And a traditional Austrian drink call Almdudler. It's kind of like a sparkling apple juice.

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