This is the story of my year abroad in Salzburg, Austria, created for all those I love--my closest friends and even closer family.


Nightlife and Friends

Besides all these awesome planned adventures, we (the other students and I) have been exploring the city at night. It’s quite beautiful! We’ve been to a few fun bars, but there seems to be a major cultural difference from the US. People just got to the bars to drink and talk, they don’t (usually) get too rowdy. Even in the beer gardens there will be children and older people all there too. I feel like we have American stamped on our foreheads though. We tend to be a lot louder and there’s usually a lot more of us than any of the locals. Sometimes we get some disapproving looks, but other times, like last night, we meet really friendly people—the bathroom lady who locked us in, or the group Hannah successfully asked in German if they wanted to be our friends. I think a few us are going to start going in smaller groups together. So far all of us 40 students seem to be getting along really well, although it is the first week so if we weren’t I’d be worried. I thought maybe it would be a little awkward with my roommate, Nicole, since we didn’t really hangout much at school, but so far it has been super good. We just kind of fell into how we lived together last year even though we didn’t talk all summer. It hasn’t been awkward going out together either. I’ve pretty much hung out with all the different groups so far which I like cause I don’t want to just hang out with same people all the time. The people I’m most close with so far is Bethany and Issa. But anyways… so far so good.  

Salzburg at night.

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