This is the story of my year abroad in Salzburg, Austria, created for all those I love--my closest friends and even closer family.



The last thing we did Saturday was go swimming in the Modsee (see means lake in German).Our bus driver just randomly pulled over on the highway, where there was a picnic area next to the lake, so we all ran across the road to there. But then we discovered there was no bathroom so we had to go back to the bus and change into our suites there—well except for Megan who decided to where no suite at all ha. Not so uncommon in Europe, but still very awkward for the rest of us. Father Mark tried to casually walk away every time she entered and exited the lake and nicely asked everyone not to take or post any pictures. The water was freezing when I first got in but I was definitely glad I did it. Refreshing! Just another good experience. 
Some of girls after swimming.

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